Chapter 51 - Sword Beneath the Blossoms

Shan You Mu Xi

Thinking of that day when Madam Zhao first caught sight of Geng Yuan so many years ago, Geng Yuan’s image must have been engraved in her heart for the rest of her life.

Translator(s): cyrrene

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Translator's Comment:

 I’m about to die of cuteness overload! Happy smol animal Ginger basking like a cat in the sun! 🥰 After all the pain, it’s like, have all fluff!

Thank you to my husband as always for editing this chapter! ❤️

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.



I like reading (slowly). Multifandom, mostly FTYX (非天夜翔) and novels with historical settings.