Chapter 22 - Luoyang in Flames

Shan You Mu Xi

Until heights of the mountain ridges become level, shivering wintry thunder rumbles in bursts, and the heavens and the earth converge and mesh.

Translator(s): cyrrene

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Translator's Comment:

 What an end to volume one. I shed a few tears at the end. Tomorrow, the first chapter of volume 2 will be released. We’ll find out what happened to Jiang Heng in the next chapter, but Geng Shu won’t make an appearance until several chapters later. The world map in the Glossary and Background Document has also been updated. Check it out!

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.



I like reading (slowly). Multifandom, mostly FTYX (非天夜翔) and novels with historical settings.