Chapter 5 - Whip of Admonishment

Shan You Mu Xi

Madam Zhao finally picked up the other wooden sword lying upon the table and strolled into the centre of the courtyard...

Translator(s): cyrrene

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Translator's Comment:

What a challenging chapter this was to translate for me, but I love what happened here so much! Our baby Jiang Heng is so smart, he’s a real child prodigy! And he made sure gege wouldn’t get punished at all. ಥ_ಥ  Zhao-furen is so badass too! Here’s a fanart of her.

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), cyrrene.



I like reading (slowly). Multifandom, mostly FTYX (非天夜翔) and novels with historical settings.