Chapter 74 - Paving the Way

Seizing Dreams

“Don’t you just have some dirty money? But look at how arrogant that made you!”

Translator(s): Zryuu
Editor(s): Amalea, FistFullOfDollars, Juurensha

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Translator's Comment:

Zryuu: Life lessons 101 from Papa Zhou all that info dump killed me (I meant… translating-wise)

Juurensha: ZS it is definitely time for a confession. It’s long overdue. 

Dollars: that awkward moment when your dad tries to set you up, right in front of your bae…

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), Kum.



Fic writer, editor, and translator for GHOFD, PUBG, Fanservice Paradox, and other projects.