Chapter 52 - Chilling Corpse Poison

Tianbao Fuyao Lu

"This ten-thousand-strong corpse ghost army had surrounded the city for an entire night, so why weren’t they attacking?"

Translator(s): moon
Editor(s): juurensha, namio

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Translator's Comment:

moon: Come vote for Feitian Week 2021 prompts here. This year it’s running May 31st to June 6th!


Also, the Tianbao donghua has breathed again and given us the ending to S2, you can watch it here and find a rough translated version of the lyrics (by yours truly) here.

This chapter is migrated and/or formatted by our fellow chicken enthusiast(s), moon.



Translator, writer, avid reader. 吃刀群众. Jiejie enthusiast. Your tears bring me joy.


Fic writer, editor, and translator for GHOFD, PUBG, Fanservice Paradox, and other projects.


gege simp